1099-MISC Tax Information
If you are visiting our website due to the 1099-MISC tax form you received from our company and don't know what it was for, below is more information about the $1,000 retention stipend application that you applied and were approved for from the Minnesota Department of Human Services for workers providing PCA Choice, CDCS, or CSG services.
If you are visiting our website because you haven't received or lost your $1,000 retention stipend, please email admin@minnesotadswtraining.com with your first name, last name, and 10-digit UMPI number.
For reference, the State's website for the retention stipend program can be found at https://mn.gov/dhs/partners-and-providers/news-initiatives-reports-workgroups/long-term-services-and-supports/pca-enhanced-rate/stipends.jsp.
You received a 1099-MISC tax from our company as you applied and qualified for the $1,000 retention stipend for workers providing PCA Choice, CDCS, or CSG services during that tax year. Since you received a payment from our company that's over $600, our company is legally required to issue 1099s to anyone that receives a payment more than $600. If the 1099 tax form you received was for more than $1,000, those amounts would be for any other stipend programs you applied and qualified for that were issued by our company during that same tax year.
All stipend programs our company currently manages with the Minnesota Department of Human Services can be found at https://mn.gov/dhs/partners-and-providers/news-initiatives-reports-workgroups/long-term-services-and-supports/pca-enhanced-rate/stipends.jsp.
Social Security number required
If you were approved for a $1,000 retention stipend, eFile 360, an authorized filing vendor by the Internal Revenue Service, is the vendor that will be issuing your Form 1099-MISC - Miscellaneous Income tax document. Form 1099-MISC is required by the IRS for each person to whom a business paid at least $600 during the year. Your Social Security number is needed for this purpose as well as to report the retention stipend income to the IRS.
eFile 360 will also be verifying that the Social Security number you entered on your application matches the legal first and last name as it appears on your birth certificate. If the Social Security number you enter does not match your name as it appears on your birth certificate, you will be contacted in January to fix any discrepancies with the information you provided.
Form 1099 tax document
eFile 360, an authorized filing vendor by the Internal Revenue Service, is the vendor that will be issuing your Form 1099 tax document in January. All 1099 tax document forms will be sent by January 31.
Between January 1 and 26, you’ll receive an email from eFile 360 with instructions to access your 1099 tax form via e-delivery online or by U.S. mail.
If you accept your form via e-delivery online, you'll receive instructions to use your email and the last four digits of your Social Security number to access, print, or save your 1099 form immediately. The e-delivery service is compatible with the IRS guidelines.
If you do not accept e-delivery or do not respond to the email within three days, your 1099 tax form will automatically be mailed to the address on your application. Mailed forms are guaranteed to be postmarked by the filing due date.
You may use the Form 1099 tax document you receive in January if you need to consult with a tax professional or accountant regarding any tax questions about the retention stipend.